The governmental affairs committee is designed to keep local FB members informed about developments in local, state and federal government. The committee also strives to build a positive working relationship with elected officials and to provide them with an overview of our organization's policies. Keeping an open line of communication with elected officials includes regular contact at monthly meetings, weekly updates to state leaders, and a working relationship which benefits all.
Activities include Sprinfield lobbying efforts, FB ACT Training, compiling and publishing the contact information of locally elected public officials such as members of the County Board, Zoning Board of Appeals, State General Assembly and Federal Legislature, adopted Legislator visits, harvest visits and combine rides for state legislators, civic engagement discussion, and a Congressional Farm Bill listening session.
The Governmental Affairs Committee meets the Tuesday before the third Thursday of the month. All Farm Bureau members are welcome to attend. Meetings begin at 7:30 a.m in the CCFB Auditorium.